Alongside trying PicaSim (another amazing RC sim on the AppStore), I have found Electric RC Sim to be a beautifully simple app with a clean interface, unique RC models with their own individual flight characteristics, nicely done panoramic environments, smooth gameplay, and many other great features. I especially like how the camera automatically zooms up on your RC plane as you fly it farther away.
I have been interested in flying quadcopters for quite some time now, and decided to get this RC Sim to practice. Was very happy that I did! I highly recommend you invest the $1.99 in this app, and get in some virtual flighttime (where you will be using an indestructible quadcopter that can respawn indefinitely) before you spend your $400 - $4,000 on a fancy camera drone quadcopter (one crash may be its last)!
After receiving an actual quadcopter from a friend as a gift, I can confidently tell you that Electric RC Sims quadcopter flies very much like the real thing!
Thanks for making a high quality RC flightsim, and offering it for a price within many peoples reach! And thank you fellow Electric RC Sim users for supporting them! (Yipes! Yes! I know! I wrote something like that in my PicaSim review, do pardon my monotony. I cannot help myself when it comes to encouraging others to support companies that care about their customers and their products, not money.)
Akindio about Electric RC Sim