I am not a beginner, however all my experience is with fixed wing aircraft, have started flying quads recently including an expensive 3dr iris+ with gopro camera, lots of bells and whistles like altitude hold as a few here have asked for, the iris is a great camera quad but I never get aggressive with it, not wanting to crash all that money,,this sim really works once I got used to my thumbs not feeling the sticks, if you have never flown anything at all or need to improve on your skills I highly recommend this sim, the quad is spot on with the real thing, power it up enough to yaw on the ground and watch the props change speed from left to right rotation, very nice job, and in the air roll and pitch are perfect, NOT having altitude hold a real plus here teaching my throttle thumb to pay attention, you can really sence the lift versus weight and learn proper throttle management, practice with this,you will soon be showing off with the real thing,,,,,fly drones,,,,also wanted to mention this sim has real photo background scenery, not a digital video game look, much much more real feel,,isnt that what a simulator should create? only thing I would like in a sim and even more on a real quad is,,automatic 400ft altitude limit built in and auto ground avoidance, the quad would over ride my input making hitting the ground impossible except in land mode,,,and the ability to switch this mode on or off,,,Mabey on the next update???
green snail about Electric RC Sim